How to use Teams for home learning or in the event of a school closure
Accessing Teams for Home Learning
As part of our home learning system, students will be required to access Microsoft Teams and log in to their school email account. From here, they will be able to view or complete any piece of home learning set through the 'Assignments' section. The following videos detail how this can be accessed.
Logging on to Teams
We use Teams to give out home learning (some subjects such as Maths and Computing may ask pupils to complete the tasks on the paper copy provided to allow working out). All pupils have completed lessons where they have signed in and used their school account. This video will show you how pupils can access their accounts and Teams through our school website.
Handing in an Assignment on Teams
As part of our home learning system, students may be required to hand in their work via Assignments on Teams. The following video gives instructions on how to upload work or complete a quiz on Teams.
Live Lessons
In the unfortunate event of a school closure pupils may be required to access live lessons. Here is a demonstration of how to access and how to deal with any issues that may occur.