Admissions Information for Prospective Pupils, Parents and Carers

The video below embodies much about what makes Christ Church Academy special - the ambition for all children to achieve their best, to discover their strengths and to develop those areas they struggle with, to forge new friendships that last a lifetime and to revel in the wonder of learning new things and enjoying new experiences!

We hope you enjoy the insight to the Academy the video provides. 

School Prospectus

Updated: 17/05/2024 10.91 MB


Year 5

(September 2025)

For information and how to apply for a place in September 2025 please click here

Year 7

(September 2025)

For information and how to apply for a place in September 2025 please click here  

In Year Applications

To make an in year application please complete the form on Staffordshire school admissions website here.

Please ensure that Section 4 of the form has been completed by your child's current Headteacher before submitting to

Upon receipt of the completed in year transfer form, parents/carers can expect to receive an outcome regarding the application within 10 school days.

To enquire about an in year application or to arrange a visit to the Academy during the school day, please email or contact the school on 01785 334900.

School transport to Christ Church Academy

Staffordshire County Council operates a number of buses from the local area to the Academy. 

Please contact Staffordshire School Transport regarding buses to the Academy:



Telephone:      0300 111 8000


Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Updated: 27/02/2025 185 KB

Admissions Policy 2025-2026

Updated: 27/02/2025 185 KB

Admissions Policy 2026-2027

Updated: 27/02/2025 154 KB