Religious Education is about asking the big, awkward, often unanswerable questions. From the very start of their time with us, pupils are taught the skills they need to grapple with some of life’s biggest philosophical, religious and ethical problems, as well as an important grounding in the tenants of different faiths. 

As a Christian school, our predominant focus is on developing an understanding of our Christian faith and traditions. Each year, pupils also examine other faiths so as to broaden their understanding of world religions. Students are taught how to construct persuasive arguments and thoughtful analysis across a variety of topics. This may take the form of debate and discussion, written work, presentations or artistic activities. No two lessons are the same. We strive for excellence in all that we do, in line with our Vision. 

RE at Christ Church is challenging, rigorous, unapologetically questioning, creative and great fun!

The RE Department at CCA holds the prestigious RE Quality Mark at the highest level - Gold. The report judged the quality of pupils' learning in RE to be 'more A-Level than middle school'. We are incredibly proud of the positive impact of RE at CCA on pupils' overall development. 


The RE Department at CCA holds the presitigious RE Quality Mark at the highest level- Gold. The report judged the quality of pupils' learning in RE to be 'more A-Level than middle school'. We are incredibly proud of the positive impact of RE at CCA on pupils' overall development. 

Spirited Arts Competition Entries

Here are some of the excellent entries from CCA pupils to the Spirited Arts Competition. The competition invites pupils to select one of 5 themes which centers on a religious, philosophical or spiritual idea. They then produce an artistic response and written commentary to explain the concepts behind their work. 

SIAMS inspection judges RE at Christ Church to be 'excellent'.

We are very pleased that our most recent SIAMS inspection acknowledges the exceptional opportunities for intellectual and personal development that RE at CCA provides. Below are quotations from the inspection report that concern RE provision here at the academy: 

"Teaching and learning are exceptionally strong. Pupils make progress well beyond that expected of their ages. RE leads the way on innovation and aspiration across the school. Pupils develop confidence and skill to express their thoughts, using mature and sophisticated language. This means the level of religious literacy is impressive. Higher order reflective and thinking skills, promoted in RE, impact positively across the whole curriculum. Subject leadership is of the highest order."

"RE is a beacon subject and a shining example of the Christian vision. It has a profound impact on pupils and adults.The subject ‘changes minds and challenges discrimination,’ said one pupil. It is rare to find RE of this standard, confirmed by the award of the Gold RE Quality Mark. Another pupil aptly commented, ‘RE here is at anotherlevel’. Pupils have an extensive knowledge of Christianity and other world religions. As such, RE makes an excellent contribution to flourishing. Staff too are well-supported to deliver the challenging topics studied. Particularly impressive is how pupils who have a limited knowledge of RE on entry are rapidly given a secure grounding. By Year 8 some pupils talk eloquently of advanced topics like ‘liberation theology’. One pupil said ofRE lessons, ‘A right-thinking mindset produces incredible work.’

Pupil Voice

We love to listen to what our pupils tell us about their experience of RE at Christ Church. Below are a selection of comments from pupils acrosss the school in response to a recent pupil voice questionaire:

Question: What would you like to tell us about RE at Christ Church?

Pupil responses: 'It is fun, challenging and helpful- we have a very good teacher.', 'I like it that we can all share our opinions.', 'I really like RE because it is creative and we learn things at the same time.', 'We aren't forced to believe in God and we don't just look at Christian beliefs- we often look at atheist perspectives as well.', 'I think that RE is very interesting.'

Question: What would make your learning in RE even better?

Pupil responses: 'I don't think it can be improved!', 'I love it the way it is.', 'Nothing, RE is amazing!' Pupils did, however, suggest some great ideas- including visits to sites of pilgrimage- something which we will definately do this year!

Some examples of pupils' work:

Reflecting on music and spirituality

Gold RE Quality Mark

We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the highest accolade from the Religious Education Council of England and Wales: the Gold RE Quality Mark. The REQM recognises high quality RE, providing learners with authentic experiences and contributing to whole school outcomes. 

We welcomed Mr Robert Boulter, RE Quality Mark Assessor, to the Academy to meet with pupils and to discuss the fantastic learning taking place in RE. In his report, he said, "Pupils articulate knowledge and understanding of themes within RE beyond their age. It is more A level than middle school. It is phenomenal to witness. Huge independence of thought, critical thinking skills expressed. Exemplary leadership, within the school and with outside groups, role modelling the delivery of RE of the highest calibre. Written and verbal evidence, coupled with sheer enthusiasm, demonstrates the central importance of RE within the school as a key driver of excellence in achievement, behaviour and ethos. It is a credit to the school. It was a privilege to witness such a vibrant department. I was enriched."

We look forward to continuing to strive for excellence, knowing that 'all things are possible through Him' (Philippians 4:13).

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