Unlocking Sporting Potential

At Christ Church Academy we aim to develop students’ competence and confidence to participate in a range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives both in and out of school. The PE curriculum allows all students to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activities. With three dedicated PE teachers working at the Academy, we offer 3 hours of PE a week which is over the national requirement. We also take pupils to Stanley Head Outdoor Centre in Year 6 to take part in outdoor adventure activities including water sports, climbing and bouldering.

The PE department offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities including lunchtime and after school clubs. We take pupils on sporting trips to watch elite sport to inspire and motivate them. Over the past few years we have had some great sporting success in a variety of sports. For example the KS3 girls football team won the county cup and the Year 7 boys rugby team also won the county cup. We have also had great success in Year 5 and 6 district cross country were both the girls and boys teams won. Our teams compete at both district and county level in a range of sports.

Although being competitive is important to us we also believe that physical education is for everyone. Our curriculum is based around life skills and concepts and we teach these through sport and being physically active. 

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At Christ Church Academy every child in Year 6 swims for a term. This consists of at least 12 sessions of 30 minutes. Two classes swim each term and this is taught by 3 PE members of staff and one swim teacher. Children who do not meet the required KS2 standards (see below) then swim for another 12 weeks in the summer term.

KS2 National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • use a range of strokes effectively
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Christ Church Academy

Number of children Children who meet
the KS2 Standard
Children who do not meet
the KS2 standard
138 113 25
  82% 18%